20th Anniversary Workshop on Corporate Governance

The 20th EIASM Workshop on Corporate Governance has been held at the University of St Gallen, Switzerland on 9 and 10 October 2023.


University Saint Gallen - Oct 23


There were three keynote addresses. Michael Segalla from HEC Paris presented on “Corporate Governance of DigitalEthics”. Peter Crow, a Chartered Director & Board Educator from New Zealand presented on “Towards bettercorporate governance: Insights from Australasia”, and Tomas Casas Klett from the University of St. Gallen and ICfCGin Shanghai presented on “Sustainable value creation through corporate governance”.


Tomas Casas - Oct 23


Michael Segalla - Oct23


Peter Crow


At the workshop, a special tribute was paid to Prof Martin Hilb, the founder of the Workshop and coordinating chairperson since its inception. Tokens of appreciation from the EIASM and a special booklet compiled by the co-chairs were handed over after he provided an overview of his contribution in the area of “New CorporateGovernance”.


Martin Hilb - Oct 23


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