EIASM is delighted to welcome WiCi Europe office to its premises, Rue du Fossé aux Loups 38, in Brussels.

WiCi, the world’s business reporting network, is a private/public sector collaboration aimed at improving capital allocation through better corporate reporting information. Formed in November 2007, WiCi's participants include organizations representing businesses, analysts and investors, regulatory agencies and the academia.
EIASM and WiCi Global have been cooperating for years through the EIASM Intangibles conference. While WiCi Europe has taken on the AISBL status of an international Belgian association, the EIASM is pleased to welcome the association to its premises, and to strengthen links with practitioners and mutual support resulting from the cross-benefits of their mutual networks.
Save the date for the WICI Europe's 4th International Policy Conference on 'Intangibles: The European State of Art', that will be taking place in Brussels and online on 1st December 2024. ===> Knowing more
Know more about WiCi initiative: www.wici-global.com/